Early Childhood Education Should Be a Priority - Right to Care
Our Community

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By Jane Doe

Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay.

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Our Community

Early Childhood Education Should Be a Priority


I somewhat landed in the field of Early Childhood Education. I work as a Family Support Specialist where we recognize the strengths and resilience of families and children in our community and understanding that the parent is the child's first teacher. The most rewarding experience is seeing a family achieve their goals even with so many challenges and obstacles they face. As a Family Support Specialist, we have had to provide support to families in crisis, young children that have lost their father to gun violence and families living in domestic violence. Without the support of the our center, some families would not receive the referrals and support to mental health specialists, early intervention, domestic violence shelters, etc. We see families wanting to work but need childcare to be able to do so. Fortunately, we are able provide this service to families. We provide service in an area where violence is prevalent. There was one instance where we did not have a slot at that time for a toddler and parent cried in the office. This memory sticks with me as this same parent was on the media crying that her child was killed. Childcare has to be priority.

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