About the We, The Village Coalition
Our Story
We, the Village advocated for a 10% increase for all early childhood programs and services in the Illinois state budget for Fiscal Year 2023 through social media, testimonies in Springfield, and a virtual Advocacy Day, among others. We encouraged over 2,000 people to send letters to Illinois state legislators urging their support. The FY23 budget was signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker in April 2022 and included a 6% increase to early childhood programs and services, including new funding to Early Intervention and evidence-based home visiting programs—the first increase in almost two decades.
We, the Village Coalition launched Right to Care IL! This story-driven campaign, developed in collaboration with parents and service providers, effects change through public awareness actions. The campaign works to increase state and federal funding, involve parents and providers in decision-making processes, and ensure those processes are racially equitable and inclusive.
We, the Village Coalition successfully influenced the recommendations of Governor Pritzker’s Illinois Commission on Equitable Early Childhood Education and Care Funding. Our recommendation served as a roadmap for the state’s investment in young learners through a more accessible system for families.

Our diverse coalition of families, caregivers, early educators and providers, school districts, faith-based groups, non-profit organizations, and community members launched We, the Village Coalition to build momentum for transformational change in Illinois’ early childhood care and education system.