Early Education Must Be Inclusive for All - Right to Care
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By Jane Doe

Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay.

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Early Education Must Be Inclusive for All


My daughter has bilateral sensorineural mild-moderate hearing loss. She is also only Spanish speaking. It has been a challenge, and a fight every step of the way with the district understanding her and many other kids should be placed properly in a duo language class where they can equally participate. I'm grateful that I got to be there for my daughter through remote learning. If I had not seen the way she was being taught, I would never have understood any of what was being done, and how that related to her attitude. I saw my daughter struggle, as so many of her Spanish speaking peers, parents only communicating with the aide because that is all there is.Maybe it's not everyone's experience, but since I can remember I was told to trust the teachers, trust the system, that they would always have a child's best interest. That isn't always the case. If so much emphasis is being put into Early Childhood Education, maybe it should be delivered accordingly with the same respect as k-12 understanding not every child has the same needs, not every child will fit in the same boxes. The goal is to have our babies succeed.

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