Providers outlook, need for Assistive Technology!

Every day waking up - it's the beginning of a day that could change the life of a child/family forever. Just being there for the parents who are scared, frustrated, worried, crying, stressed, exhausted, and motivated....teaching them how to help their child. Every child in our program has a minimum of some kind of delay. It can be movement, vision, hearing, cognitive, developmental, the list goes on... Families have dealt with elation of a birth, scare of near death, months in NICU, sudden many factors can change in a minute. As providers, we try to be their rock, their shoulder, and sometimes their voice of reason. We strive to make every child as functional and independent as possible. We don't want them seen as what they can't do but what they can do. How successful they can be, how to celebrate all the little victories. The need for assistive technology is essential as early as possible to assist in making those successes possible. Children change daily and any prevention in that process can hender future capabilities. Funding for their equipment needs are extremely important. It is essential to achieve provider and family goals. Each child is like family!
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