There Aren't Enough Options for Families - Right to Care
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By Jane Doe

Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay to educators that dedicate their lives to our children. Our children may be returning back to school, but we're not going back to normal. This year in Illinois, families and educators are teaming up to collect our #RightToCare. We demand early childhood care families can afford, access and trust and fair pay.

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There Aren\'t Enough Options for Families


My husband and I work nearly opposite shifts, so we did not need child care everyday. Had we not had help from family and friends, we would have had a difficult time getting childcare due to most places wanting children there more than once or twice a week. Cost is a huge factor for us because after having my second child in 2012, I went part time until last fall. Due to Covid restrictions, our family wasn’t comfortable taking care of our kids. Therefore, either my husband or I or both of us were with them 24/7 for over a year. While it was great for all of us to be together, it was also hard trying to work and take care of them at the same time. It was draining. I hope there can be more affordable options for childcare in our state. It would also be great to see more options in the amount of childcare a family might need, like if a family only need childcare 1 time a week, it would be great to see that as a viable option in childcare facilities.

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